< Woopz Productionz.: 8 Reasons to Celebrate and other stories...

Woopz Productionz.

8 Reasons to Celebrate and other stories...

Published by lihua on Friday, October 06, 2006 at 11:32 pm.

Exams coming up. Assignments STILL pending. Thus, no/less blogging. Cries Cries.

This is going to be a very random entry, as my brain is too lethargic to think about mind-boggling things like how-to-structure-a-blog.

A Few Random Reasons Worth Celebrating. *pours imaginary champagne*

1. My NEW Canon Powershot S3 IS

WOOHOO. New camera. Goodbye to my loyal 2MP Sony Cybershot. Say hello to Canon Powershot S3! 6MP.

Ok, before you go 'What's the BIG deal about 6MP? I've got a #@%$%&^* kick a** 10MP Camera'... i will need to explain that the CCD (whatever that means) is bigger and better. The camera has 12x yadda yadda I'm boring you. ANYWAYs, costs about RM 2K including extended warranty. Free small AND big tripod, 1GB memory card, camera bag. Great DEAL :).

Actually, my dad agreed to buy it because we need to shoot some saliva-generating photographs of the food served at my cafe. I welcome the learning curve that I will go through with this camera, because it is no normal point-and-shoot camera, with full manual control. Woopz. Boring you again. Haha…

Some pictures I took with the camera so far.

2. My Ear Infection Has Been Healed.
Yes, I had an infected ear.

This was what happened:
Friday night, the last day of classes before the mid-semester break, Pik Yi, Kakak Sheena, Wayz, Hann Jing, Mei Xian and I went to eatz at Loong Si Fu (Master Dragon, ROAR!) in SS2. Aiya, we ate the usual stuff nothing interesting etc. 
Something worth mentioning: Phangz was absent again! beatttttt'

THEN! Someone suggested we go over to the Medan Selera place to eat something called the Balidong. Now, being ignorant, I have never heard of Balidong before. Kakak’s eyes lit up with the mention of that ‘sacred’ shellfish, and she animatedly described to me the skills involved in eating the seafood.

“First you must suck the end (tip) lightly, then, using your mouth, cover the other end (the shellfishes’ mouth), then inhale with all your might, as in trying to create a vacuum.” said Sheena in delight. “Oooh, how interesting.” thought I.

So off we went. And I ate a few shells with gusto, quickly master the sucking technique. Then I ate one and there was this really horribly ‘fishy’ taste in my mouth I had to wash it down with an extra cup of Limau Ais. Later, when arriving at home, I felt a little queasy.
Sure enough, I threw up a little while later.

You know, when you vomit, mucus (with some chyme i.e. stomach digested stuff) will travel up into your nostrils. Which is gross, so I blew my nose la, duh. I blew so hard that the mucus + partially digested food was pushed into my Eustachian Tube aka ear, causing me a temporary but excruciating pain in the ear.

Soon, it fermented there or whatever, and my partially lost my hearing (partially la.) So off I went to the GP and he gave me the antibiotic Augmentin. Cost me RM70. But it is healed now. Good.

Never blow your nose too hard after throwing up. Oh, I learned later that only stale (i.e. not fresh) balidong will cause that fishy taste. Alright, will give it another try when I’m sure it is fresh. I’m a sucker for seafood.

3. My sprained leg is healed.
Sprained my leg yesterday morning while walking around aimlessly in the house. Haha. Seriously. Have been limping around these two days. Thanks Pik Yi for giving me a ride to Uni today.

NO PICS because the swollen foot really looks like Babi Punya Kaki. Not good.

4.  Sharksurf.
Whoa. This is something very cool and I will be getting one, maybe two, starter packs really soon. For RM 99.00, you get a .com web address, one year of website and email hosting and other things thrown in. The .com web address and the one year of hosting is already worth MORE than the RM 99.00, so its damn worth it. But one catch, after one year, you'll have to pay the normal prices. I think, Rm 50.00 for the web domain and RM 350.00 for the hosting. Aiya, after one year, just shift to a free webhost lo :)

Damn cool. I wanna register wonglihua.com...

5. Langkawi Trip is ON!

My babes and I are going to Langkawi Island right after going through a series of torture aka exams. 
Leaving on the 13th Nov. Staying 3 days. Double and triple WOOTS cause we got cheap 
Airasia tickets at Rm 9.99 which is even cheaper than the Set Dinners at Vivo. Which brings us
to our 6th and 7th reason to celebrate. But before that, it is worth highlighting that bikini-wearing is compulsory, as ordered by Kakak Sheena. However, that is not supposed to be categorised under REASONS TO CELEBRATE. Conversely, it should be categorised under REASONS TO FEAR. How the heck am i going to get in shape in time for the bikini-wearing trip?!? Horrors. *Prays the rest will binge on fatty/lardy foods and will have bulges like me, too...*

6. We will (probably) be printing our own tshirts for the Langkawi Trip which is absolutely cool 
and fun and out of this world. Hehe. Our tshirt logo lookz likez thiz:

CUTE neh. haha...

7. Vivo.

Went there with Pikyi and her sis Kei Kei last wednesday.

They had cheap dinner sets on weekdays. I think about Rm 10 for a set of pasta/pizza with a softie (soft drink la...)

Some food we had...

Food was so so only lar... was really looking forward to it because SmashPOP said the food was really nice. Maybe the chef was on leave la.... :p

More piccies

Aiya... number what already? Lazy already la... stop here la... hahaha
8 reasons to celebrate. *Tells self must be happy*

Oh yeah! Something else.

I just read the smelliest Magazine in the whole wide world.

The Digital Camera Malaysia October 2006 Issue.
The minute i opened the plastic, toxic fumes engulfed me. Seriously. Must be the print/ink smell or what i'm not really sure. But it was really stinky. I fear that if i read it a little while longer I would've done irreparable damage to my alveoli (lungs, people, lungs.)

I exagerrate. But really, it WAS smelly. Aired it for a while before i continued reading it. Everyting is unhealthy nowadays. Even magazines :S.

Lastly, TODAY is Autumn Festival aka Mooncake Festival aka The-Day-Chang-Er-Ran-To-The -Moon.

I leave you with a picture I took with my Powershot S3 at full zoom, yesterday :(. Today no moon. Too hazy. :(.

Manual Mode.
ISO 400.
Aperture 3.5.
Shutter Speed 1/500.
Spot Metering.


Typical KL-ite
Part-time Biotechnology student
Full-time daughter

Think You Know Me? I Studied @
Caritas Kepong
Ringrose Kindy DU
SRJK (C) Puay Chai
Catholic High School PJ
Help Institute
Monash University Malaysia

Blogging to keep friends updated on my current life.
But I suspect no one wants to know.

  • 1. Spanking New Camera Phone!
  • 2. Earrings xD
  • 3. Zhng my LAPTOP!
  • 4. MAHA 2500mAH Rechargeable Batteries!
  • 5. White! In-Ear Earphones (I relli want!)
  • 6. A pendant xD
  • 7. Fabulous new BAG.
  • 8. Beekeenee

Song List

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