< Woopz Productionz.: December 2006

Woopz Productionz.

2007 Resolutions.

Published by lihua on Saturday, December 30, 2006 at 9:01 pm.

YES, I KNOW! This is a very old-school blog topic.

But, I really want to put my resolutions OUT THERE!

First of all, a brief recap of IMPORTANT occurences (in my life) in 2006.
1. I turned 21.
2. ManYin turned 21. (VERY important, lol)
3. Opened the second branch of my cafe.
4. Met and got close to Pikz, Kakakz, Phangz, MX Choo, Dingz, Wayz.
5. Got to know Cyn better!
6. Maintained my results :D
7. Went to Sheraton :D
8. Got to be more sociable, friendly and nice (i think?)
9. Got SLIGHTLY thinner. :p
10. Started this blog :D

*list is not exhaustive, can't remember much, i'm exhausted (pun intended)

Can't recall much else-lah. The year went by too quickly i guess.

But I shall FULLY UTILISE 2007. It WILL be a very GOOD year. No doubt!

New Year Resolutions~
1. IMPROVE my results.
2. Meet more GOOD friends!
3. Open more EcoGreen branches. :D *$kaching$*
4. Go visit ManYin Lai. (but, doubt can la... EXPENSIVE $.$)
5. Have a better social life (as opposed to my previously non-existent one)
6. Be less procrastinating.
7. Be less rude. (relli!)
8. Be happier! (Although I'm really happy now!)
9. Be more critical, when thinking.
10. Communicate better!
11. Improve photography skills!
12. Better time management~
13. Plan holiday with family (so long nvr go dy!)
14. Improve Adobe Illustrator Skill~ (of which i'm currently lousy at)

Things I wish for (AND WILL GET) in 2007!!!
1. New, Slim, Sexy mobile with a GREAT camera (for camwhoring).
2. New, Slim, Sexy laptop! (not really a neccesity, but too tempting!)
3. Nice, new WADROBE, with matching earrings! (in dire need of one...)
4. A roach-free car! :D (must exterminate them! grrr)
5. More money $kaching$!
6. Blackhead-free face!
7. More brains.
8. More, oh, nevermind.
9. Brand new, slim, but HUGE storage external Hard Drive! (I am SUCH a geek)
10. Brand new DeeVeeDee writer :p (See how geeky I am?)

Okie la.

That's all.

Oh, one more thing left, as much as I love my life currently, I would also like a certain someone who loves me, for me, with me. To love back.

Oh yeah, this is categorised in the things I wish for and WILL get section :D

(mou1 sweet1 wa3 hou2 gong2 leh?)

Meantime, it's party time~

Saying goodbye to a GOOD year and Welcoming an even BETTER year ahead~
(I am honestly, QUITE excited~)

Cheers~ Feel da Energy people~!!!!


Published by lihua on Friday, December 29, 2006 at 1:50 pm.






(you are SO gonna kill me!)

1) for those who know, DON't REVEAL k? just laugh!
2) for those who don't know, just wait till you know K! :p

Xmas Partay At Wayz' Very Nice Sri Hartamas House

Published by lihua on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 at 2:46 am.


Xmas time is here again :D

We were closed for one day on Xmas Eve, so whole family went KL for a drive around, then off to theCurve for some tea alfresco style COMPLETE with a live band singing nice christmas carols. TOO FUN!

Anyways, theCurve has nice Xmassy decor!

Then, after browsing around at Borders, we left at about 8pm.

Left for Wayz party at about 10.30pm with pikki promising to drive me home later :D.

See, there was this cocktail do we (mostly MX) planned. All sorts of alcohol, mixed by wayz the hostess herself. Supposed to be formal cocktail party but somehow, the rules were loosened abit.. CAN WEAR JEANS :D

After a the first drink, our camwhore addiction kicked in and we played with the fan effect this time :)

Wayz' stand fan turned into a prop. Titanic! :D

Camwhore duo strikes again! Looking dangerous, baby! :D

Too much wind...

Hair cannot be blown up due to ginormous amount of gunk (gel/mousse etc) in kakak's hair! She's damn CUTE!

Check out the SOKEST Cynthia's FACE wuah! CHAMPION!

Her face truly potrays the truth. The truth that no one can beat her in being the sokest.


While we were entertaining our addiction... the rest of the people were also entertaining theirs... the GAMBLING addiction!

Actually, they were play the bluff game, i think.

Wayz was relli busy making drinks for us. Seriously, girl, you should consider a career in mixology :D

Kakak + My long lost friend Edvin Phang of Puay Chai. So sweet i jealous!

Siti and MeiXian. Siti is Kaya Ban Lee's friend. Yes, SITI is his real name!

Aaron is Kaya Ban Lee's friend #2. His is 176cm tall, as I would find out later...

TADAH! The legendary Si Roti Kaya Ban Lee finally appears for the first time. We were very excited to meet him, for he is a legend. Anyways, Kaya is Phangz brother.


Okie la.. they are not siblings :p.

And YES, Kaya is his real name.

Us girls, minus Christine... who relli didn't camwhore much with us. Next time must infect her with the virus first :D

Then! MX the girl with a little mental problem (AKA abit siao) said she wanna walk alone to Cristros which has just changed its name to LAME MyHome Bistro to meet Mr Boyfriend KJ. SIAO ISIT! So whole gang walked there with her lo.

And the good news was MeiQi See was there! At MyHome (damn lame!). SO TOO GOOD get to see her and other friends.

But who is this hairy guy in MyHome with MX Choo?

Mental MeiXian and KJ

Tooks pics like mad at the entrance of the MyHome(lame) Bistro. We kasi blocked itu pintu depan. HAHA... zor zu ppl do business! Nvmla dun care!

The guys.

Ze Maddies.

A totally ZOR GAI (block road) Group Pic we took.

A veli SWEET christine and me.


Einstein and I. Quan Meng extra. HAHA! :p. Yes! His real name is Einsteint I SWEAR.


World is damn small again he is SAMANTHA THAM MUN YEE's friend. In Nottingham.

My Buddie Pikz and I at our usual behaviour.

Mr HannJing who is Wayz properteeee...



There were



Tsing May! Havent met her in 200 years.

Barbara and KiatHor. These two I alwiz meet *sweat*

A4 PAPER YUZONG the SOUYEH! What's with the moustache, buddie?

The FEMALE version of KJ. Seow Khai Jia :D


Siti and Aaron with Meeeee

Mr Sokest Johnathan. (Cyn's BF la!)

Sokest at her usual SOK-self

HEEE siao!

So many people there my eyes saw RED!

Q.uan Meng and E.dwin Soh as labelled accordingly.

Then TAkE PIC TAKE PIC, DANCE DANCE, SING SING... we walked back to Wayz' nice Hartamas house.

On the way back, Pikki the evil girl spotted a spray vendor. We stuffed Rm20 into the vendor's hands, grab 9 cans of foam and ATTACKED the unsuspecting bunch in front AKA Boon, Edwin, Quan Meng (Cant remember who else).

On the other side of the enemy line.
Christine x1 can of foam
Me x2 cans of foam
Ben x2 cans of foam
Pikz x1 can of foam
Sheena x1
Edvin Phang x1
MeiXian x2 (?)

Above list not entirely correct.

And we sprayed the daylights outta them! hheeh.. but then someone tergrabbed a can and we got sprayed back blablabla in all everyone was dirty, but happy.

Then we went back into the house to camwhore sumore!



The Bread Couple

KAKAK and Edvin being NOTTY.

Edvin Phang Ek Larng and I

My Favouritest Kakak in the Whole World

Have to get into as many photos i can!

Wayz damn headache dunno wat drink to make next!

THEn! Dunno WHICH smarty go suggest to play this chair thing where randomly picked peeple get onto a stool and questions get asked... and if cannot answer must DRINK...

First! PIKKI and the Hostess!

THEN! Edwin Soh with Pikki

Wei this pic seriously like bridegroom toasting guest during wedding leh!

THEN! Phangz and Kaya's turn. Tsktsk! Very lebih they all!


THEN! Edwin SOH kasi HUMM HOI sama saya.. ask me to go up! Nevermind! ASK Aaron to go up! WEI! I spoke only 3 sentence to him before leh. Damn paiseh.

Anyways, Aaron is very MOU GU (innocent). Cos just before Kakak stepped down, I took a pic with Siti. Edwin thought I took the pic with Aaron, then he ask Aaron to go up the chair! end of story.

I relli want to write out wat question were asked... but! I was a bit tipsy. No actually i was VERY tipsy. Thanks to MQ See and her Chivases.

If i was tipsy, BEN was even worse. Red-faced and drunk. Hee

Next up was Boon and MX

I actually edited a pic with Boon and MX, but nowhere to be found in my folders~...

So after the game everyone abit siao ady... took pics again :D

Normal/Not Drunk


Sokest with her SOK back

Who would've known edwin soh is a master camwhorer

HAHA... Chorn Tyng and I

By 3am, pikki was a bit drunk cannot drive. So, i couldnt go home! :( Slept over at Wayz place balik-ed at 9am so early!!!



Next Up! Niw Yier! :D

If I don't blog before then, Have a GOOD YEAR ahead! Wish me luck too! ;D

Typical KL-ite
Part-time Biotechnology student
Full-time daughter

Think You Know Me? I Studied @
Caritas Kepong
Ringrose Kindy DU
SRJK (C) Puay Chai
Catholic High School PJ
Help Institute
Monash University Malaysia

Blogging to keep friends updated on my current life.
But I suspect no one wants to know.

  • 1. Spanking New Camera Phone!
  • 2. Earrings xD
  • 3. Zhng my LAPTOP!
  • 4. MAHA 2500mAH Rechargeable Batteries!
  • 5. White! In-Ear Earphones (I relli want!)
  • 6. A pendant xD
  • 7. Fabulous new BAG.
  • 8. Beekeenee

Song List

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