< Woopz Productionz.: Blackie Tooth Polish.

Woopz Productionz.

Blackie Tooth Polish.

Published by lihua on Saturday, December 02, 2006 at 10:35 pm.

Now, I'm sure all of you have heard of Darlie Toothpaste before..

Yes, my dear frens.. this blog topic will be about toothpaste.

It used to be called Darkie toothpaste, but the name was changed to a more politically correct name Darlie. Which is more accurate since the toothpaste is in no way DARK.

But ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you, the BLACKEST TOOTHPASTE ON EARTH.

Yes, it is black.

Don't for a second be fooled by its fair exterior, because fair it is not.

Packaging wise, it looks kinda like NORMAL toothpaste. But this is the most abnormal toothpaste you can ever find in the world. Oh yeah, it's Japanese. Count on the Japanese to come up with these queer products.

With the cap removed, its sooty contents is clearly visible. The paste is PITCH BLACK.


Next, apply it onto toothbrush.

The toothbrush used in this picture is my old Kodomo Lion toothbrush. I'm using oral B now. Grew up dy.

Camwhore first. (Credit to Bro YouJing for snapping this pic... hee)

When I first used the toothpaste, I had thought the black will turn into foamy white once I start brushing. Don't ask me why but it just seemed more RIGHT if toothpaste were of WHITE colour.

But no, the more you brush, the blacker the foam becomes. Grosssss....

Eyes Enlarged For Dramatic Effect.

Even when you spit it into the sink, it still is black.

It is damn weird, sorta like using mascara to brush your teeth.

But wait there's more!

If you think the COLOUR is weird, wait till you taste it.

Normal toothpastes tastes minty, or pepperminty, or refreshing like how some company like to brand it. This blackie taste salty.

And there seems to be some sandy material in the paste.

Okie. That's all lah.

Main aim of this entry is to show you how spesial (spelt special la i knoe la :p) my toothpaste is. My toothpaste is better than yours!

Anyways... i've also brushed my teeth with ashes before. As in coal (arang) ashes... heee

No wonder I have weak teeth.

So there you go, an update. :) Been very busy but will try to update Langkawi Part 3 really soon :) Cross your fingers :)

And oh yeah, brush your teeth, people! *community service message*

P.S. ManYin, I've run out of fabulously packaged imported UK colgate.

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  • 1. Spanking New Camera Phone!
  • 2. Earrings xD
  • 3. Zhng my LAPTOP!
  • 4. MAHA 2500mAH Rechargeable Batteries!
  • 5. White! In-Ear Earphones (I relli want!)
  • 6. A pendant xD
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