< Woopz Productionz.: August 2007

Woopz Productionz.


Published by lihua on Thursday, August 23, 2007 at 8:51 pm.

as i have said, i will be practising plain blogging, no frills, just uncapitalised words :). feels good jotting down my thoughts as it flows. can polish up my engrish oso, no?


went on a wild goose chase for a dvd recorder at 1utama with parents today. parents+ecogreen were being featured on NTV7 today at 7.30pm and we wanted to purchase a dvd recorder to record the momentous occasion.

first, we dropped by at jayajusco, still my one stop favourite spot for home appliances (not like i buy them so often also lah). RM999 for a Phillips dvd recorder that records straight onto a dvd. they had much higher end models, which included a harddisk. freaking expensive at nearly rm2k each. rather buy a handphone okay! decided on the RM999 one already, but then the sales staff say NO STOCK wth... display set can sell lah, but no special discount price oso. damn not worth it, because the display set is already well-used.

went to BEST DENKI then. they had a slightly wider range of models, but didn't have the low-end phillips one. mostly high-end models with RM2k price tags. they carried a low-end panasonic one, with the same functions as the phillips recorder but at a slightly more expensive price of RM1299. but then oso dun have stock!!!! wth.

then daddy thought about calling the production people and see whether they can provide us with a soft copy. can wor!!! problem solved! pocket don't have hole also. :) but downside is have to wait a bit before i can get the soft copy.

one thing good about buying electronics/home appliances nowadays is the installment payment plans, which are most of the time, 0% interest. i think its a win-win situation for the buyer and the seller. buyers are able to afford the things they want earlier, and sellers can sell more! but of course don't go buying unnescessary things lah...

on another note, dad has promised to get my a handphone as soon as i finish designing a brochure. i have been putting the designing work on hold, due to the huge workload, but after 3rd September (or maybe even before that! *squeals in delight*), i may be able to complete it.

then i will get a kickass 3G HighMP Camera MP3 phone! no iphone, though. wayyyyy out of my league :(.

nvm. soon i will be able to afford it.

on another another note, i have thing CRAZYYYYY thing about 2008. i dunno why i'm filling in the year as 2008 on my assignment cover sheets! sheesh! all wayyee's fault lah! get me so fixation on 2008 and 2009...

don't care! you must get married on 090909. by hook or by crook!


Don't Lie.

Published by lihua on at 8:44 pm.

lying is sometimes a good thing.

if lying can protect the people that we care about, it is the lesser of the evils.

undoutbly, it could be risky, but if it involves people who is worth the risk, we should, by all means, lie with a straight face and feel absolutely no guilt about it.

when it is necessary, lie.


Paradigm Shift.

Published by lihua on Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 11:56 pm.

haven't been blogging for a really long long time. i could take the easy way out and put the blame on being too damn busy with coursework and other miscellaneous activities (such as spending time with ct) but the truth is that i have totally forgot the meaning of blogging.

for a long time, my blog posts have not been reaching to the most important audience. that is, me. i have been constantly trying to write entries that are entertaining to readers of my blogs (albeit only a handful, but still counts!).

the reason i started this blog was because i wanted to document my adult life. i started the blog just a few days before i turned 21. i had this crazy intuition that my life would change dramatically from my 21st birthday, that it would be more interesting than all my 20 years combined. i wanted to document the changes that i would be going through, the fun i would have, the people i would encounter and everything else that matters.

my intuition was right. my life did change dramatically. i met great friends, became philosophical, less self-conscius and of course meeting the person that i had been waiting for a very long time.

in the midst of these wonderful things, i forgot my main point of blogging. if ever i wanted to blog about something, i would insist to include pictures, funny remarks, good write-ups and the whole 'quality-blog' thing. these requirements are hard to fulfil, as they require immense creativity and of course, time. thus, i chose not to blog.

reading some plain blogs, blogs which do not have fancy photoshopped pictures, funny remarks or creative videos, have made me realise the fundamental reason of blogging.

to document things that are significant to me. entries that will make me smile and nod in reminiscence of old times.

and thats what i shall do. no more fancy photos, no wannabe videos, not even properly capitalized words. just plain thoughts. good ol' thoughts.

except, of course, when i feel like i want to entertain.

and to my own readers dissing me in my chatbox: Nah, blog lah blog lah :p.... thanks for continuing to drop by although i havent been updating.


Typical KL-ite
Part-time Biotechnology student
Full-time daughter

Think You Know Me? I Studied @
Caritas Kepong
Ringrose Kindy DU
SRJK (C) Puay Chai
Catholic High School PJ
Help Institute
Monash University Malaysia

Blogging to keep friends updated on my current life.
But I suspect no one wants to know.

  • 1. Spanking New Camera Phone!
  • 2. Earrings xD
  • 3. Zhng my LAPTOP!
  • 4. MAHA 2500mAH Rechargeable Batteries!
  • 5. White! In-Ear Earphones (I relli want!)
  • 6. A pendant xD
  • 7. Fabulous new BAG.
  • 8. Beekeenee

Song List

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