< Woopz Productionz.: Epilogue

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Published by lihua on Friday, May 19, 2006 at 1:55 pm.

OBITER DICTUM: Someone mentioned that she came across
her friend's marriage photographs on friendster. Her friend is 20 this year.
Married. I'm 21 in a week's time, single and alone. But happy!
The girl has roused from her deep slumber.
A slumber that has been going on for 20 freaking years.
I am awakened.

Here I am, hovering on the last days of my twentieth year, blogging in my unkempt room in my parents’ slum of a house in a swanky middle-upper class housing area. Well, not exactly slum of a house, but close to it in terms of the amount of rubbish we store in here. XD.

With my twenty-first just round the corner, I look back and reminisces on my life thus far. Memories conjured shows more failures than successes. Or maybe that’s just because I am self-effacing.

I am overtly boisterous at times while uncompromisingly harsh (on others) the rest of the time. Well, more to the boisterous side, I reckon, but I bet my bottom dollar that my mom begs to differ. But she knows I love her :).

I am a procrastinator. Heck, I even procrastinated my birth. I was born two weeks late after making my mother go through much agony. Wait a minute. I’m still causing my mom agony now. Nevertheless, some of my friends beg to differ. They don’t think I’m a procrastinator. They think I’m just plain lazy.

I am mean. That is, when I’m really irked. But, most of the time, I’m too chicken shit to be mean to anyone else except my family members. I have no galls.

I not smart. For real. And I also have no galls sit for the MENSA test, for deep down I know that I get an average score. Or worse still below average (*horrors*, I’m dumb). But well, these MENSA test are design to favour those mathematically-inclined. Don’t try to put me down based on weak my mathematical ability, you MENSA meanies… i might have other (undiscovered) talents.

But the ugly, green and gooey caterpillar has undergone the last molting in her cocoon and will metamorphosise into a charismatic butterfly. Well, not the best analogy, for I’m rather terrified of insects (butterflies included), but the point has been articulated. I shall molt my fears, imperfections and failures.

I am now fully responsible for my own actions and can vote.

I am old. Wake up, you procrastinating a**, and live life to the fullest :)!

Typical KL-ite
Part-time Biotechnology student
Full-time daughter

Think You Know Me? I Studied @
Caritas Kepong
Ringrose Kindy DU
SRJK (C) Puay Chai
Catholic High School PJ
Help Institute
Monash University Malaysia

Blogging to keep friends updated on my current life.
But I suspect no one wants to know.

  • 1. Spanking New Camera Phone!
  • 2. Earrings xD
  • 3. Zhng my LAPTOP!
  • 4. MAHA 2500mAH Rechargeable Batteries!
  • 5. White! In-Ear Earphones (I relli want!)
  • 6. A pendant xD
  • 7. Fabulous new BAG.
  • 8. Beekeenee

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